To use the US2078 kit with the WH005234 pump assembly.

  • Updated
  1. If the customer orders the WH005234 after the US2078 has been installed.
    1. The pump is shipped without the pressure solenoid installed if the customer already has the US2078 on the coach. 
    2. Remove the UltraSave valve from its location on the coach.
    3. Then remove the tee and pressure switch from the UltraSave valve. 
    4. Mount the UltraSave to the pump bracket. 
    5. Once mounted, then connect the hoses on the pump to the newly installed valve. 
    6. Then install the pressure switch into the adapter in the side of the pump. 
    7. Plug in the pressure switch and the UltraSave valve.
    8. The plug from the US2078 kit with the red wire and black wire just gets tied back and not used. 
    9. Make sure the UltraSave valve has the manual bypass knob pressed in and turned clockwise.
  2. If the customer orders the US2078 after the WH005234 has been installed.
    1. The US2078 is shipped complete, less the tee on the UltraSave valve.
    2. Remove the original pressure valve from the pump bracket.
    3. Mount the UltraSave to the pump bracket.
    4. Once mounted, then connect the hoses on the pump to the newly installed valve.
    5. Then install the pressure switch into the adapter in the side of the pump.
    6. Plug in the pressure switch and the UltraSave valve.
    7. The plug from the US2078 kit with the red wire and black wire just gets tied back and not used.
    8. Make sure the UltraSave valve has the manual bypass knob pressed in and turned clockwise.
  3. If the customer orders the US2078 and the WH005234 at the same time. 
    1. The UltraSave valve is pre-mounted to the pump in place of the original pump pressure solenoid. 
    2. The pump is not shipped with the pump pressure switch installed but provided for the customer to install it on the side of the pump.

Contact Customer Support for pricing based on the scenario's listed above. 1-800-417-4559

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